
Sam! Samii! Mantha! Sammy Jo!
It's all ME!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

What is Reading???!

The 5 most important things in the reading was the eye fixations, return sweep, regression, the fact that reading is a combo of physical, mental and mechanical processes through the brain and phonics. I really liked learning about the regression because sometimes I tend to do that when I read.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Final Check-In Letter

Before coming to Mrs. Priester’s class I attended Our Lady of Peace (OLP), which is an extremely respected school. The work was a little harder in the fact that they treated us like college students rather than babying us. If you missed an assignment you missed it and you could not make it up. Also, if you had up to two Ds you had to take some sort of tutoring. It really was a prep school for college. When I entered the system I was placed at Polinsky. While I was there I still attended OLP. The stress from being in the system really had a toll on my grades. It was difficult, having to study for finals when there are kids yelling, screaming, cry, and getting restrains. But I am proud to say that I passed all of my exams with a C or higher. I personally do not like getting Cs but considering the circumstances I was happy. When I arrived at San Pasqual I was still in a transitional stage which also took a toll on my grades. But when I started getting use to the place I went back to being my old self again, I was getting As, Bs and occasional Cs.
Being in this class has opened my eyes about many things. It has taught me to look for a deeper meaning in things, to pass the surface of stories and poems and dig deeper. It has taught me a variety of new vocabulary word that I can now use in sentences and everyday life. Also, being in this class has not only taught me about academic skills but skills I will need and utilize in my everyday life after high school. For, example we had to turn in an application for a job at a store you though you would be good at. I turned in an application for a manager’s position at Charlotte Rouse. We had an actual interview and we had to dress the part too. When I first entered the room I firmly shook interviewer’s hand and the interview began. I was a bit nervous at first, but after a while I got use to it. And in the end I got the job as manager.
I have a lot of goals in life, both short and long term. One of my short term goals is to attain a 4.0 GPA at least once before I graduate in 2012. I feel my goal is very realistic in the fact that I have already gotten a 3.8 and to push myself to getting that one more A should not be extremely difficult. One of my long term goals and I am so excited to make it come true, is to get a major in kinesiology and continue on to study sports medicine. Whenever I think about me taking those classes in college makes me get butterflies inside my stomach, which lets me know that I am passionate about it. Also another long term goal that I have to make come true is to take care of my mom. She has not always been there for me, but the time when I needed her most she was right by my side. I love her with all my heart and I just want her to have a better life than she has now.
This class has also taught me how to appropriately disagree with someone and to handle things in a mature manner. It has also given me the opportunity to utilize time management. I absolutely hate giving presentations and this class has helped me peel back my shyness and shine through.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Using APA format in my research paper is quite simple. To cite a source means to say specifically where your fact came from. You need to cite your source when you quote something from someone else. They need to get credit for their work. If you are directly quoting the words of someone else you need to put it in quotation marks.A reference page is at the end of the research paper that states the author, year it work was published, where it is published, etc. I will need to use APA format on research paper to quote my facts and to show me how to make my paper look presentable.

Practice Citation
Kausar Suhail, Zobia Bargees. CyberPsychology & Behavior. June 2006, 9(3): 297-307. doi:10.1089/cpb.2006.9.297.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Knotts Berry Farm

This week feels like it is going by so slowly. I can barely take it. But I am looking forward to this coming Friday because I am going to Knotts Berry Farm. The reason why I am getting to go is because I have good grades. The school chose the people to go if they had a 2.7 GPA or higher without any D's or F's. I'm so excited
Also I wrote a letter as an application to get into girls 101. I hope a get accepted. I want to leave my house so badly. Well it is not necessarily the whole house it is just my roomate. I do not get along with her very well. But at least I try to get along with her.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Friday's BBQ

On Friday all the sophmores had to report to Walker's classroom. Some of us made our class poster and others did the scavanger hunt, which I did. It was so uch fun even though we did not win. Our class even made up a cheer for our year '2012'. We had a bouncey house and alot of other activities. I participated in the relay race and we came in second. Our class also came in 1st two times in the sack race. It was alot of fun, we should do it more often.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Yesturday, around 3:05pm, I experienced an earthquake. It's magnitude was 7.2 in the city of Mexicali, Mexico. I was on pass, at my aunt's house, alone when the earthquake hit. I was so scared at first. The table where my aunt's cards laid was rattling. And the television started to shift. I grabbed the phone and quickly dialed my aunt. I was so scared. She was at Starbox with her boyfriend and they made them wait outside. She told me to go outside, but the quake had already ended.

Friday, April 2, 2010

10 SS

This weekend is Easter so I will be going on pass with my Aunt Rosann. Tonight I plan to spend the night my Aunt's and go to the gym the next morning. Later on go to Sierra's house and spend the night. And go to church with her. Then meet up with my Aunt for lunch.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Real life fruit

If I was a fruit I would have to be a kiemit. It is a friut from Trinidad that is extremely delicious. If you cut it exactly in half there is a star in the middle. It is beauiful!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Lessons To Be Learnt

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view,
Until you climb into his skin and walk around it.
I had never seen our neighborhood from this angle.
I want you to see what real courage is,
Instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand.

Friday, February 26, 2010


My favorite cartoon character is Spongebob Squarepants. When I was younger, I use to watch it at my Aunt's house on Saturdays and Sundays. It was extremely entertaining.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

This Weekend

This weekend I am going to go on pass. I am going with my Aunt. My plan is to get my hair dyed and get my boyfriend a present for his birthday. Also, to hang out with my Aunt for a while.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


When I was younger, I always wanted to be whatever my dad was at the time. At first I wanted to be a teacher, like my dad. Then I wanted to be a teacher and a singer at the same time. I always thought my dad was the coolest person I ever met. I loved him very much. However, now I believe he is just a singer, but I am striving to achieve my own life goal. Which is to be a sports doctor. And I am sure I will get there within my life!

Friday, February 12, 2010


I use to always say the word B#*$@. But now if someone calls the the B word or says it around me I get mad. I esspecially would not tolerate my boyfriend calling me a B&^%*.

5 Questions

Dear journal,
Today in Ms. Priester's class were reading a novel called "To Kill A Mockingbird" and some parts are boring yet some are quite interesting. For example, Jem, Dill, and Scout tresspassed on Mr. Radley's property and he began to fire at them. Not knowing who it was. But when Jem escaped his pants were ripped out in the process. Then when Jem went back to get his pants they were folded, like it was waiting for him. Who sewed his pants back up? How did they know Jem was coming back to get them?

When Ms. Maudie's house burned down Boo wrapped a blanket around Scout. Why did he care so much about her? What made him decide to come out of the house all of a sudden? How did she not notice someone placing something on her?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Dream House

My dream house would be beautiful. It would be a four bedroom house with 41/2 bath. The back yard would have an edgeless pool with a jaccuzi connecting to it. It will also have a basketball court for my husband and I to have games. And so that he can practice for the NBA. My house will also have an office for me so I could have all my doctor things organized, because I will be a Sport Doctor. My house will be the most beautiful on my block!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Favorite Song

When I was a child, my favorite song was "Ring-a-Round-a-Rosey." I was about 4 or 5 years old and my classmates and I were spinning in a circle sing the song. I thought, at the time that it was so much fun and it was cool. But now as I am older, I know what the meaning of the song is. It was a reflection of the Black Plague.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Rhyme Zone Poem"

Only Me

The way you made me feel when you left
You did not care about anyone but yourself
Walk away and leave me behind with nothing but hurt
Use me for whatever you want and treat me like dirt
A child, innocent… full of life and love for you
But of course you never knew
Grew up way before I needed to
Still you don’t care about all the pain you put me through
Birthdays pass by, but still no word
But, did you even know the day it occurred?

The rhyme scheme of this poem is AABBCCDDEE.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Poetry Podcast Poem

A special world for you and me

A special bond one cannot see

It wraps us up in its cocoon

And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold

Gently nestling us to the fold

Like silken thread it holds us fast

Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break

A new one forms in its wake

To bind us closer and keep us strong

In a special world, where we belong.

- Sheelagh Lennon -

Friday, January 22, 2010


Being from a topical place, I love both rain and shine. If I had to choose one weather it would probably be the sunshine. I love the warmth on my skin, it makes me happy. However, once in a while I would not mind the a cold, rainny day inside.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Cliche Poem"

Love is Blind.
When I see you my heart jumps
As you approch me I think to turn away
As I hear your voice butterflies are fluttering in my stomach
You lift my head from my chest, looking into your big browns
You had love in your eyes, but lust in your heart
I was young and in love
With who I thought was you
Mom said "It's better to have love and lost than to never love at all."
A broken heart is hard to mend
By experience, I know
Because of you, only YOU!
Love is Blind.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Figure of Speech"

The best figurative language game I played tonight is the metaphor battleship because it was the most interesting and fun. In order to play this game, I had to try and sink the other person's ship, and when I succeeded I had to answer a question. My final score on this game was I won both rounds. If you want to play this game, go to this link [http://www.quia.com/ba/42131.html?AP_rand=163810965].

Another enjoyable figurative language game is drag and drop metaphors, because it was some what interesting. In order to play this game, I had to match up the sentences to make a proper metaphor. My final score on this game was 100%. If you want to play this game, go to this link [http://www.kidsonthenet.org.uk/dragonsville/metaphor1.htm].

My least favorite figurative language game is the simile practice, because it was too simple and boring. In order to play this game, I had to read sentences and decide which was a simile. My final score on this game was 100%. If you want to play this game, go to this link [http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112392/simile.html].

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Winter Break"

My winter vacation was extremely dull. I stayed on campus for the whole vacation because my aunt went back home to Trinidad. There were only two people in my house, consisting of Caty and myself. We both went to the movies together and saw Alvin and the Chipmunks and Avatar. Both movies were entertaining. Since it was just us our overnight let us sleep in the living room and we woke up early to open presents. I got tons of clothes, make-up, and accessories. The rest of the break was rather simple.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

"My Life In 2009"

At the end of 2008 I had just entered the system. So at the beginning of 2009 I was still getting use to being a foster youth. Even though everything had changed in my life, there was one thing that stayed constant, which was swimming. It was always my stress reliever, it was what I looked forward to everyday. Between the months of Februray and March I was in and out of court everyday for my trail. Then I came to San Pasqual Academy the day my trail ended, which was an easy transition. Being here I've gotten my grades back up, I have a boyfriend, and I constantly talk to my mom. Which is all positive for me.

2010 Here I Come!

This year I am looking forward to a new beginning. My family might be coming up in the summer time and I am extremely excited. Mostly because I have not seen them since I was 10 years old. Hopefully by the end of the year, if everything goes smoothly, I will be going back home to Trinidad for Christmas. In June I will be turning 17 and I'm excited. The last thing that I am looking forward to is trying by best to get a 4.0.