
Sam! Samii! Mantha! Sammy Jo!
It's all ME!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

I have grown tremendously in the past years. It is honestly amazing to the change and the progress that I have made in my life in such a short period of time. Some of the areas in which I have grown are my consciousness, relationships, friendships, and I have definitely learned how to love myself. Most of these things just changed over time, as I grew older, but others changed because I needed them to change.
One of the most significant changes that I have made is my consciousness, the way I think and perceive things. My past has taken a drastic toll on the way I think of things and I use to have numerous triggers. However, I have done a lot work with myself and I have changed the way I think of certain types people and the prejudgments that I have made about others. Even though I have changed I still realize that my work is not over, I still have a lot to work on, however the most difficult part is already over, I’ve begun. This is a change that was essential to my well being, because if I did not deal with these issues, it would have taken over my life. Dealing with the issues from my past has definitely made my relationship with my boyfriend much easier, not saying that our work is done but it has progressed in a positive aspect.
Friendships. This is an area that I had to change willingly because if I did not I would have been lead down the wrong path. I have taught myself that there are some people that I do not need to be hanging out with even though they were my best friend. Sometimes you just need to let people go, and realize that they are pulling you down and not lifting you up. It was a hard change, but I knew it had to take place. Throughout the past 2 years I have been making several changes, and during those changes I learned to love myself for who I am and what I stand for. I had to teach myself that no one could love me unless I loved my self first. This is another change that was significant in my life because I did not value myself 2 years ago. I am very proud of myself for making the changes that I have made over the past years, and I will continue to make positive changes for myself.

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